What's up with embodiment?

Here we are. Animals in the family of living beings on the planet. Getting messages through our senses to tell us about the safety (and lack of it) around us. Our bodies running those messages through our organs - our skin, stomachs, hearts, lungs, and more, which are sending messages to our brain about how to feel.
All of this complex and magical communication happening within our miraculous body systems and what do we, as modern humans, take notice of? Actions we take, or maybe we notice our thoughts. We are like floating heads thinking - thinking all day long. And wondering, "Why do I feel this way?"
Nothing wrong with thoughts. They are helpful. And plenty of therapies are designed around changing them (these are called "top down" therapies). But what other wisdom is available to us? SO MUCH!
Did you know we have neural, or brain, cells in our stomach and heart, as well as our brain? Our values and emotions are expressed through our somatic sensations, which are informed by our sensory input. Each of these layers of awareness work together for us to have an integrated (bodily) knowing. Many of us has lost the connection to these deeper layers of our wisdom and don't know how to hear the messages our bodies are giving us. Sometimes the messages get louder and louder until all we notice is pain.
Emotional pain that we don't process (safely feel and come to understand) will stay in our bodies until it can be integrated. It can also become physical pain. Coaching sessions are an opportunity to begin to make connections between our thoughts, emotions, somatic and sensory messages (this is "bottom up" therapeutic work).
My job is to team with you to create a safe-enough space for you to begin to listen to and understand your own feelings, needs and sensations. When the communication channels to yourself are opened, your body, heart, mind and spirit get in alignment, traumas can be healed, and life begins to flow.